Sunday, February 27, 2011

How much?!

Sorry to say but my prices will be changing slightly. Most of the hats will stay the same but a select few will be going up a few dollars. I will sit down and make a new list of prices and post it on the picture site and a post on here... New prices will start March 7, 2011

I will also be posting some new hat pictures along with 2 new hats!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Spring, where are you?!

It seems like we just can't get rid of this stinking snow! I can't wait til it is warm enough that the girls and I can head outside to play (and crochet).

I have been pretty busy lately with 3 orders, but glad to say they are almost done! I am also working on a new hat! It is a PEEP! I am gonna try it out with LuLu and Beans at their Easter pictures. Sharon always does a great job and I am super excited to have their pictures done. PEEP hats will be available in your choice of one pastel color with creme colored edging and made of 100% cotton yarn.

Candee, big brother Owen's hat is almost done...just needs a shamrock sewn on.

Beth, Ava's poncho is done and is super cute, hat will be done shortly.

Check for pictures...hopefully they will be up for tomorrow

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Craftaholics anonymous

like to crochet? Head on over to craftaholics anonymous to enter her birthday Giveaway. Click on her blog button to the right hand side!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Luck of the Irish

I made this adorable little beanie for a lucky Irish baby due in March.  I wish that I would have learned to crochet before LuLu was born (my March baby) cause this would have looked adorable on my sweet girl.  The shamrock is actually 4 little hearts sewn together with a stem...I wish I had a baby that would actually keep a hat on their head!

Well here you go Patty...Baby Mallory's Irish hat!