Monday, March 21, 2011

March of Dimes

Well it's that time of the year again...March for Babies fundraising time!

Our stories...
Alivia was born on March 14, 2008.  She was born via emergency c-section and taken to the NICU.  We found out that evening that Liv was hypoglycemic, hypothermic, had hydronephrosis in her left kidney, was in respiratory failure, septic, had 2 seizures, and had 2 strokes in the posterior portion of her brain.  We were devastated.  She was such a fighter (and still is!!) and came home after only 3 weeks in the NICU.  While there she was on a ton of drips and medications to keep her alive.  Without the March of Dimes Alivia may have never made it home.

The twins were born via emergency c-section (do you see a pattern here!) on August 10, 2009.  We had known for 3 weeks that Rowan was extremely sick from IUGR (another pattern...).  She was suffering from an extreme case and our doctors decided that if she was not delivered that day should would have passed.  Willow was born first weighing 2lbs 8oz and Rowan right after her weighing 1lb 3oz.  Rowan was born not breathing.  They took her right to the NICU, Willow we did get to see only after she was on a ventilator and in an incubator.  We eventually went to visit our miracles that night and they were so so so tiny!  Both girls fought like champs!  They were both extubated and put on CPAP that night.  Willow did great but Rowan bled into her lungs and went into respiratory failure.  At 2 days old we said good bye to Rowan.  It was the hardest thing we have ever had to do.Willow spent 11 weeks total in the hospital.  While she was there we all went through the up and downs, back and forths of having a premature baby.  She finally came home in October 2009.  Willow was on oxygen and 2 monitors for another month. 

Both Alivia and Willow (aka LuLu and Beans) are happy, healthy, and perfect!  We have been through so much and have lost so much but because of the March of Dimes we have two wonderful daughters with one angel watching over us. 

Please take a look at our Ready to Sale page.  50% of everything sold will go to the March of Dimes Team Rowan Evelynn. Donations are accepted and greatly appreciated!!!  Walkers are also very welcome...the more the marrier!!!

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